Deanna Macioce, MS, OTR/L
hates to wear jeans, Kelly seems to be 'on the go' all the time,
Michael covers his ears when he hears the lawn mower, and Melissa cries
when her mom puts her on a swing. We have all heard about and seen these
children, and for those who are experienced in working with Sensory
Processing Disorder (SPD) these are common statements. However, for
many, especially parents it is very difficult for them to understand and
grasp the concept of the sensory system and the role it plays in our
day-to-day life.
people feel that we all have sensory concerns, which is true, but it is
when it gets in the way of our "functional" living that it becomes an
issue. Sensory processing is used to describe how the
nervous system receives information from the body's senses and then
turns that information into a response. When discussing SPD, individuals
who are affected by this present with disorganized or inappropriate
responses, often times being described as 'behavioral'. It is
difficult for parents to truly discern what is sensory and what is age
appropriate. For example, two-year-olds often try to gain control of
situations, such as refusing to eat or dress when asked by a parent, but
for a child with SPD, they often do not make the choice of how they
respond. There is a reason they may not want to eat, whether it be
texture or taste, and they may struggle with transitioning between short
sleeve and long sleeve shirts due to tactile defensiveness.
children who exhibit sensory processing concerns often have another
diagnosis as well, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, or Down
Syndrome, however for others, it is purely a stand alone diagnosis. It
is these stand alone situations that are often the most difficult to
identify, and for parents to understand. Children appear to be 'typical'
but there is some reason that life is not going smoothly at home or
school, or situations just seen too difficult for a child to cope with.
professionals we often become frustrated when we feel parents are not
"pulling their weight" at home, or that they are not taking the time to
help carryout suggestions, however we need to realize that most parents
are tired, overworked, and often just don't understand. In addition, we
say we work as a "team" but then feel it is better not to have the
parents be part of the therapy session or the activities in the
classroom. How could we expect them to be "team" players when we are not
educating, including, or encouraging them. And it does not go with out
saying that it is known that not all parents strive to be participants.
However, this does not mean they do not want the best for the child, we
just need to find out at which level we need to interact and connect
with them.
using strategies such as pulling parents in for portions of sessions,
using video, or even teaching sessions will help the parents to become
more comfortable, have a better understanding, as well as see how things
are performed in the school or therapy setting. Today's technology with
smart phones, make it easy to take video and send snippets to parents.
In addition, communication is key. So having some regular way of
communicating whether at the end of session, via email, or log is very
important. Once the parents are on board to be a team player, they will
help with the facilitation of strategies at home and the child will make
progress as a faster pace. Making it a win-win situation for everyone.
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